Friday, January 30, 2009

Trying to adjust

We're safely back at home trying to adjust to the cold and snow. We had such a fun time in Hawaii, thanks so much to Brent and Jolene for the housing and also for being great tour guides. Thanks so much to my Mom and Dad for staying with the kids so that we were able to go on this unbelievable get-away, the kids had a blast as well. Thanks especially to my awesome husband who works so hard so that we are able to go places like this, we had such a fun time just being together and leaving all of the cares of the world behind for a few weeks. Love ya tons!! Well for now it's back to the real world (our real world really isn't too shabby just a little bit cold). We both loved it so much and had so much fun that we are planning another trip in two years (don't worry I won't put the countdown up quite yet)!!

It wasn't easy going from this....
to this.............overnight but we're adjusting.

Thought that this was funny. Chad refused to change into pants before we left.


Vicki said...

Were glad you made it everywhere safely and are back home. I wish we could go back soon.

Amber said...

Haha! That's how we were when we left Cancun! Wanted to be in shorts & flip flops, then came back to SLC at 1 in the morning.... Burr!!

Jan McCarthy said...

Next time take me with you...

Joyce said...

Wow. What a great trip you had. I loved reading all about it.

This Idaho Girl said...

Isn't Hawaii amazing? It really is hard to leave, especially when it's so nasty back home. I thought it was funny that we were all so stoked about our Hawaiian shirts and mumus but we felt like idiots wearing them in Idaho. Good luck with your adjustment.

Porters said...

We were so glas to share it with you guys. We also had a blast. I never get tired of going to Hawaii. I have had a hard time getting warm since we got home. We're so glad you guys enjoyed yourselves.
Love Mom and Dad Porter