Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Party Crashers

So Kort caught wind that Alyssa was going to be throwing a little bash last night and decided that the the best thing to do would be to crash it. He called in a little back-up help and armed with water ballons, water balloon launchers, and a 4-wheeler off they went. I'm sure that it took Alyssa about 1 second to figure out who the ring leader was behind the paint ball mask. Anyway after the sneak attack the 3 ended up joining the party.


Jeff said...

oh my gosh kort put the tent on the corner and poured the pop in the full bag of chips! they were so mean! I got nailed with a water balloon!


Bear River Photographic Society said...


these boys look like they had a fun time. and yes the movie was Night in Rodanthe I loved it but it was so sad. Me and Britini went and saw it last night (Saturday Night) what theatre did you go to?

Michelle W. Nate said...

Sounds like they had a blast. Nothing better than a sneak attack when your not on the receiving end.