Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Friend Em

My friend Emily is one of my very favorite people. We met about 5 years ago when our wards became combined. We were put together as visiting teaching partners and fast became friends. We have so many things in common, we are the same age, our husbands are the same age, our kids are close to the same age and she even got married on my birthday (just to name a few). Sadly for me she moved away a few years ago and I have missed her tons. Thanks to blogging we've been able to keep in touch and today we met in Logan for lunch. It was so good to see her and hang out again. We are hopefully going to do this a lot more often. She is one of the sweetest, cutest, and most caring people that you will ever meet. I'm so happy to have her as a friend. Love Ya Em!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Thanks so much for meeting me. I had a great time. Oh and thanks for not telling me I spilled on my shirt. (How Embarrassing). I can see by this picture I do need to find something to do with my hair. You are awesome!