Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Kort !!

Jeff got ahold of the whip cream and gave Kort a little Birthday surprise Dinner at Big J's
Our cute little neighbor Tanner brought this over with some candy. Kort is the neighboorhood hero to all of the little boys.
Starting the day out with a little Birthday breakfast (we take advantage of any opportunity to eat out).

MMMM Hot Fudge Brownie Sundays
Oh grandma- you're so funny!!! Just one of his many talents
Grandma Grace's bottled raspberries- YUMMY !!
We started birthday celebration on Monday. We took Kort and five friends to a movie in Logan and then to Cold Stone for ice cream. I left my camera with Tanner. Here are some random shots he took at Cold Stone

I think that girl might be checking Kyle out!
Jordan seems to be up to something
Kort and Cade (I believe Bracken might be in the middle)
You really have to concentrate on ice cream this good!

WOW, Kort turned 15 years old today!! That is just so crazy, it seems like just yesterday that I had him. For those of you who don't know the story of his birth it's actually a little comical now. Iwoke up on September 3 1993 about nine and a half months pregnant (OK so I was just 6 days overdue, but at that point in a pregnancy it seems like forever) and went into work. I worked until about 2:00 decided to go to the hospital about 4:00 and by 7:57 that evening had an 8 pound baby boy (with no drugs I might add- hey I earned those bragging rights). I must say that life has never been the same since that day. He was the cutest little blondie and had us laughing all the time. Now he's taller than me, not blonde, but still keeps us laughing (and occasionally crying). Although he's had his moments, we are so blessed to have him in our family. Happy Birthday Kort. We love You!!!


Jeff said...

I like the Hair! I'd be happy to style it for you again

Michelle W. Nate said...

Happy Birthday Kort!

This Idaho Girl said...

I can't believe you have a 15-year-old. However, I'm bitter you didn't invite me to breakfast, or Coldstone, or to the brownie party or Big J's. Geeze.

Erin said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Kort. Where does the time go? I use to be his primary teacher and now look at him. Fifteen is an awesome age!