Friday, July 31, 2009

Mattson Family Camp Trip at Lava

We had our annual Mattson Family Camp Trip at Lava this year. It was a great place to have it and there was plenty of fun to keep everyone entertained. It's so nice just to be able to relax and enjoy each others company for a few days. Kambree loves to play cards and games with Dad. Here they are with Kaisley and Dillon. My cute little cousin Dillon chillin at the pool.
Chad decided that it was time for Kaisley to go down the Water Slide. He took her up to the top and just pushed her down (this is how Kambree learned to love water slides) It didn't have quite the same effect on Kais, usually when kids come out of the slide, they are going so slow that they barely even get wet. She came shooting out like a cannon ball. I think that she was throwing such a fit she spun around the whole time. Fortunately Grandma caught her just in time. Needless to say she didn't go down again...we'll try again next year.

She's starting to act just like out world!

We enjoyed a lot of time at the pool. We would usually go back over after dinner and swim until they closed. we don't usually get Chad to the pool with us so it was sure nice to have him there.

The best part of any camping trip is sitting around the campfire together at night. Here's Grandpa and Grandma.

from the first day we got to Lava the kids wanted to tube the river. I floated it several years ago and remember thinking that it was a blast, I guess I'm getting older because I took a look at it and wasn't so sure. Some of the older kids went down and they all came back scraped up. I don't think one person went down without flipping at some point, by the second day i don't think that there was a band-aid to be found. We finally figured out that the bigger raft-type tubes seemed to be going down better so we went and rented one. Sure enough that was a much better option. Here are the kids waiting for Mandy to get the tube.

Kambree really didn't want to go down, but as you can guess Chad didn't give her a choice. She ended up loving it.

Kaisley didn't get a choice again either and just like the slide, hated it.

I do believe that this was the only injury that came from the 4-man tube.

Kaisley just loved riding her bike around the campground all day long.

Kort thinks that he's too old to give his Dad hugs, so Chad has to force them out of him.

Tube town USA

Hittin some rapids.
Even Grandma got in on the action.A fun time was had by all. Thanks to Laurie and Curtis who planned this trip. It was so good to be able to spend time with everyone!!


Amber said...

Haha! Injury on the 4-man tube... (ug-hem cough)... It happened to me too. BAHAHA!!! On the knee with me also! I guess your man & I are "handi's". :)

Burbank Family said...

Sounds like fun