Friday, June 19, 2009

So Cupcake

Since Chad and Jeff were away on a bike trip, Sheila and I decided to take the girls to Salt Lake. (Kort had to work) It just happened to be Kendalls Birthday on Saturday so we wanted to do some fun Birthday-ish activities. Sheila had heard about this little shop called "So-Cupcake" We checked it out on the internet, it looked really fun and they hosted Birthday Parties. She called and arranged a Party for Kendall, we kept it a surprise till we got there. The shop was just darling, the cupcakes delicious, and the staff was soooo friendly. This little buisness has a really neat story behind it, in a nutshell it was inspired by the owners' daughter with Cerebral Palsy. If you get a chance check out the website at The site is almost as cute as the shop. I have a feeling that we will be making a stop at So Cupcake whenever we are in the area from now on. The girls were able to take a tour of the baking area.

They were each able to frost and decorate 2 mini cupcakes.

Kaisleys icing bag is about as big as she is

Getting some instruction

Kendalls Birthday cupcake and our cute helper Hailey.

Each of the girls received a part bag and these stylish glasses were included.

Strikin' a pose!!

Lookin' Good Girls!!

Last but certainly not least.....Presents!!!

We enjoyed several other fun activites that weekend, however, Sheila and I were experiencing some major camera stress. So the rest of the pics are here, there, and everywhere. I'll try and get them together and post some more.


This Idaho Girl said...

Cutest shop ever! Hope you saved me a cupcake.

Joyce said...

Some people are so smart to come up with such clever ideas. A cupcake shop! And by the way - do you know how much I'm going to miss having you at the school???? A whole bunch!!!!

This Idaho Girl said...

One more thing, those sugar cookies from the blog are at least 250 calories a pop. Have one and give the rest to your neighbors. They are bad, bad, bad.

Burbank Family said...

That looks like a cute shop to go to. I might have to try that out.