Thursday, December 25, 2008

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Kort Blingin' Grandmas scooter up!
Every year we get the kids matching pajamas. This is a tradition that Kort hates, so we now try to find him the most hideous ones that we can find!
Poor Grandma

Oh how I do love Christmas Eve! I really do think that Christmas Eve is almost funner than the Big Day itself, maybe it is all of the excitement building up. I'm not real sure but I do love it Every Christmas Eve my family meets at my parents around 6:00 for our big party. We eat lot's and lot's of food, open presents, and hang out while we await Santas arrival. Kambree was very much into tracking Santas every move this year via the internet and once he was in Florida, we had to pack up and head home as quickly as we could so that she could get to bed. I just love Kids at Christmas time!! Kort, as usual kept himself well entertained. My Mom had surgery on her foot about a month ago is not able to put any weight on it yet, so therefore, she has a little scooter that she can kneel on to get her around the house, well Kort felt like it looked a little bland so he decided to "pimp her ride" You'll be able to tell by the pics how that turned out. As usual the kids were spoiled rotten by Grandma and Grandpa and we all ate way too much yummy food, but that's what Christmas Eve is all about!!