Monday, February 16, 2009


Kort has decided to take up Snowboarding this winter. I haven't watched him at all but word on the street is that he is getting pretty dang good. The unfortunate part is that he is now growing "snowboarder hair". Oh well here he is with fellow boarder Lance. Snowboarding is not the only talent that these two have. As you can see they are also fabulous at centerpiece arrangements. If you have a wedding or special event coming up you just might want to give them a call


Michelle W. Nate said...

I'd like to reserve him for Jeff's birthday please. He has a true eye for things. Oh and by the way...the we go again. envy, envy, envy.

Erin said...

Looks like fun! So you just came back from Hawaii and now I see you are going on a cruise. I want your life! Tell me more.