Monday, January 18, 2010


So I'm only about a month late posting this but "Better Late than Never" has always been my motto. My sweet little Kambree turned TEN on December 18th. Her Birthday started off just perfectly with Dad cooking her a great big breakfast!! It got even better as we listened for her name on the radio and guess what?? She won the Birthday Roundup woohoo!! She got a super cute Birthday outfit and looked so dang cute going to school!! This is the Cupcake tree that we made for her friend party. The girls loved it!!



such cute little Girlies

MAke a wish....

happiness is a kitchen full of friends

Kais LOVES cupcakes!!

That night we had our family party, of course she was spoiled completely rotten.

We got her the new Nintendo DSI

She wanted a monkey cake and although this wasn't exactly what we had in mind, it worked.

Hope all of those wishes come true.

Happy Birthday to my Kambree Girl. I love you so much and don't know what we would do without you, you are such a huge help to me and are the best big sister to Kaisley. You have such a tender little heart and are always so concerned for everyone. You are such a great example to me and I can't wait to watch you grow up and see what you become.I love you!

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